
Sunday, October 17, 2010

In The Land Of The Ayatollahs Tupac Shakur Is King

[update] I am half way through this book, and its indeed a great read. Beyond a travelogue, it offers a rare insight into the Middle East Nations (Besides Iran, it covers Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and others.)

Buy In The Land Of The Ayatollahs Tupac Shakur Is King: Reflections From Iran And The Arab World, Shahzad Aziz, 0955235928

I found the title of this book intriguing enough to buy it. Its recommended by Lonely Planet, and I hope it would be a good read as I am planning to travel to Iran next month.

Another related book in the same category is Nicholas Hagger's The Last Tourist In Iran. I almost ordered it for the low price, till I read the less than flattering review from Outlook Traveller.

Buy The Last Tourist In Iran, Nicholas Hagger, 8179929604

I only wish there were ebook versions that are cheaper than the price of a paperback. Right now, they are as expensive, if not more. And for all its flashy experience, nothing beats the paperback. So until we start seeing 99 cents ebooks, I will continue to buy paperbacks.


Waseem said...

The links to books on have a parameter 'affid'. The value corresponding to this parameter is 'qasimzaidi'. I suppose that is your username at What does this parameter do?

Qasim Zaidi said...

You can sign up as an affiliate to flipkart, and then get an extra discount on your purchases. I haven't tried yet, but this is what I think and I had setup this link for my purchase, to try just that. It makes sense if you are buying a lot of books yourself, and even more if people buy on your recommendation :)

Waseem said...

I should have know this earlier. I purchased books worth of around two thousand rupees in past two months.

ishan zaidi said...

ain't there any option of downloading a book(pdf file) through net??